Sunday, March 18, 2012

Updated Fics as of 3/18/12...Check them out!

Fan Fiction, Sex Gods and Single Girls  
by: bannerday

After a series of awkward events, fan fic writer Bella finds new
story inspiration in her hot-headed sexy neighbor, never dreaming just who
might be reading her fic. Art imitates life imitates art. A fic within a fic.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat 
by: bornonhalloween

Freshly graduated from Cosmetology School, Bella takes a job in a
health club beauty salon called Mystique. First days on the job can be so
boring…until that perfect head of hair walks in! All drabble, All human 

Where the Streets Have No Name
by: DreamOfTheEndless

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Edward is firmly
trapped in the hell of his making. Redemption lying just beyond his reach.
Would Bella be able to be his salvation? Would she sacrifice herself to save

Bella and Edward were caught in a whirlwind of extreme pleasure and ecstasy. Is it love or just lust? E&B. All Human. Rate M for Language, Lemons, Drug Use.

I'll Stand By You  
by: WitchyVampireGirl

Bella and Edward meet briefly on her 21st birthday. When fate conspires for them to cross paths again months later, will they have the courage to make it last while facing their darkest fears? March 2012 Drabble War entry AH M for language and lemons 

Edward Cullen: A Work in Progress
by: tufano79

Edward Cullen is an asshole. He's a moody musician and artist who is wary about life and is recovering from a nasty drug overdose. Emmett, his best friend, offers him an opportunity to redeem himself and work with his best tattoo artist in his shop.EXB,AH

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