Thursday, March 22, 2012

We Found - An Amazing Fic (:

We Found Love
By: FFLoverLaura

Bella and Edward were caught in a whirlwind of extreme pleasure and
ecstasy. Is it love or just lust? E&B. All Human. Rated M for Language, Lemons, 
Drug Use.

When I First Told About This Story, I Thought It Sounded Good, But Was Going To Wait Until It Was Completed Before Reading It. I Just Have Way Too Many WIP's I'm Reading At The Moment, And Just Couldn't Add Another One To That List. Then, I Heard That It Was A Tattward Fic. CHA-CHING!! 
That Got My Attention. There Is Nothing That I Love More In A Fic, Than A Tattoo'd And Pierced Edward and/or Bella. As Much As I Couldn't Take On Another WIP.....I Caved, And Started Reading It.

The Story Starts Out With Bella, Who Comes From A Conservative Background, Breaks Up With Her Boyfriend, Jacob, Due To The Fact That He Doesn't Like That She Has Her Bellybutton Pierced. So After She Breaks Up With Him, She Makes It A Mission To Find A Shop And Get Something, Anything Pierced. When She Finds One, She Walks In And Meets None Other Than The Sex On Legs Man, Edward. 

Manip Credit:SoapyMayhem

After Bella And Edward Meet, They Go Through The Sexual Banter, She Thinks He's An Asshole, Albeit A Sexy One (Of Course). She Tells Him That She's Unsure Of What She Wants Pierced, So He Suggests Something For Pleasure, Either A Nipple, Or Clit Piercing. After Deciding On The Nipples, He Takes Her Back To The Piercing Room, And Only Pierces Her One Nipples.

" "Almost done," he murmurs. His touch is gentle, but I can tell by the sound of his voice that he is enjoying this just as much as I am.
I feel the clamp being released from my nipple once he's finished and open my eyes to find him staring at the newly pierced area.
"Done? I thought we were doing both of them?" I ask breathlessly, curious as to what changed his mind.
"Not today," He says and looks at me briefly, then his eyes dark back down to my breasts.
"Why not both? May as well get them both done at once right?" I ask curiously, wondering what he's thinking.
All of a sudden his lips are latched tightly around my nipple, the one that isn't pierced.
I gasp in surprise and I can't help myself when my hands reach up to grab his hair, anchoring him to me. "

After That, Bella And Edward Are Pretty Much Inseparable. With Some Fuck Hawt Sex. The Fic Is Amazingly Delicious, and Just An All Around Great Read. It's A Drabbl-ish Fic, And Is Up To Ch. 33 As Of Today, And Updates Once A Day. If You Aren't Reading This Fic, Like, RIGHT NOW, Then You Need To Go And Check It Out. I Can't Wait To See Where The Rest Of This Goes!! GO NOW!! (: 

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